giovedì 31 ottobre 2013

SHORT FILM :: The Rider And The Storm

Timmy Brennan is a New York iron worker who escapes the grind of the city through his true passion, surfing. But when Superstorm Sandy destroys his home in Breezy Point, Timmy loses everything — including his board. As Timmy digs through the ruins of his home day after day, trying to recover lost possessions, he discovers the kindness of strangers and finds solace once again on the ocean.
Directed By David Darg & Bryn Mooser

Andre Kunze

more Andre Kunze HERE

Savages ♫ Marshal Dear

Designed and Animated by Gergely Wootsch

Mark Demsteader :: Paintings & Drawings

mercoledì 30 ottobre 2013

Seether 2002-2013 ♫ Driven Under

Driven Under by Seether on Grooveshark

Chris Friel

more Chris Friel  HERE

SHORT FILM :: ERE (Expediente de RegulaciΓ³n de Enchufes)

"Tener enchufe" is to have connections, mainly political. It is a phrase used frequently in Spain. If you translate "enchufe" to English, it is " electric outlet", where you plug in to get electric power. "Enchufar", the action word, would translate into "to plug in" or "to connect to the electric current". As you may see, it is really an idiom to mean that a person has some special relations that enable him/her to get some special treatment of some sort (favoritism). It could be to get a job, to get into a university or college, to get into certain social group, etc.

Una madre explica a su hija cΓ³mo funciona un Expediente de RegulaciΓ³n de Empleo con un caso prΓ‘ctico: obligΓ‘ndola a decidir con cuΓ‘les de los peluches de su habitaciΓ³n se queda y de cuΓ‘les prescinde. Este es el planteamiento de un cortometraje de 8 minutos y medio dirigido por Alicia Puig y que pretende denunciar cΓ³mo han funcionado las cosas en el despido colectivo del ente pΓΊblico valenciano, que contaba con 1.600 trabajadores y que quedarΓ‘ despuΓ©s de los despidos masivos en poco mΓ‘s de 600 personas.

El tΓ­tulo del video es 'Expediente de RegulaciΓ³n de Enchufes' y en Γ©l se denuncia que los motivos para decidir los trabajadores que abandonan o no un proyecto no son de capacidad profesional, sino que estΓ‘n determinados por motivos de edad, de contactos, de amiguismos y, en definitiva, de 'enchufes'.

martedì 29 ottobre 2013