mercoledì 31 dicembre 2014

Cartolina da Parigi 2

Una notte d'estate, due uomini giocano a scacchi sul ponte di una nave. All'improvviso, la luna piena, emersa dalle nuvole, proietta così bene l'ombra dei pezzi ai loro piedi che i giocatori si fermano per seguire questa seconda partita iniziata a loro insaputa a grandezza naturale. In effetti, i pezzi spiccano sul ponte con una nitidezza che confonde: animati dal doppio movimento di rollìo e beccheggio, ingrandiscono, si divorano tra loro, si gettano sui giocatori stessi poi, smisurati, si fanno un istante esitanti, ruotano, si mescolano ancora, appiattiscono, per risorgere nuovamente dall'ombra.
Ma i due uomini percepiscono adesso un pezzo ulteriore: un alfiere o una regina si muove sulla diagonale con una forza e una velocità tale che non deve più niente ai movimenti della nave: è l'ombra di un uomo sul ponte.

Marcel Cohen

Julien Douvier, more HERE

martedì 30 dicembre 2014


Nova is an experimental study of the visual arts technique slit scan with a particular focus on emphasising its spacial and temporal properties. The slit scan image is created using video footage of bioluminescent deep sea creatures, particularly Comb Jellyfish. These creatures acted as a source of inspiration for the form and animation. The resulting structure resembles a surreal organism that is locked into an ever-increasing state of perpetual growth, decay and transformation.
Created by James Alliban

Marc Dubord

lunedì 29 dicembre 2014

[Cartolina da Parigi]

Dopo essere sceso per mezz'ora nel sottosuolo deserto di Boulinier, ne sono risalito con questa antologia che tengo ancora tra le dita come un cocktail di benvenuto dell'oltretomba. L'incipit di Jorge Timossi è simpatico.
[P a r e n t e s i] 

[Lo scrittore era talmente rispettoso dei suoi lettori che tutto quello che scriveva lo metteva tra parentesi affinché potessero scegliere (liberamente) se leggerlo o no, se prendere in considerazione il testo completo o utilizzarlo come un semplice intercalare, oppure concentrarsi solo sulle parentesi che a volte (come si sa) sono molto più utili nella vita che in letteratura.]

Le Roi Soleil entre parenthèses, une oeuvre de Bernar Venet au Palais de Versailles

SHORT FILM :: Tokyo Rose

A short film about the surreal and at times bizarre relationship between the heartbroken "Seb" and the homeless wild child "Rose"
Writer/Director/Cinematographer/Editor - AJ Ovio

Sophie Knittel :: The Fourth Cancer

Sophie Knittel: "My mother was diagnosed with her fourth cancer  two years ago. This time it was inoperable, the heavy treatment, "a one blow  rifle shot," as the doctor described it. It was likely that she would not make it. My mother never liked being photographed, but she and I thought it might be the last opportunity to take pictures of her, to leave a visual record. This series is a subjective and modest narrative that describes her story, her fight against the disease, from the confirmation of the diagnosis to her miraculous remission, through her ​​hospital stay, her 87lbs, and her empty house during the four months of her hospitalization. 

The images were taken with a Pentacon Six TL, a cheap East-German medium format camera dating from the Cold War. A tool of war, made of metal with some mechanical problems, like my mother."

domenica 28 dicembre 2014

SHORT FILM :: Pairs & Spairs

A late night bowler has his regular game interrupted by the arrival of a mystery girl.
Writer & Director: Philip Kelly

Wiktoria Wojciechowska

Shaman's Harvest ♫ Dangerous

Got no more hate
And that makes me dangerous
No pride or shame
And that makes me dangerous
Can't get knocked down
And that makes me dangerous
My time is now
And that makes me dangerous
I'm a grenade without reason
Ready to explode
I'm like a freight locomotive
Steamin' out of control
I'll make you a martyr
Boy, step in line
I'm a glutton for punishment
Yeah, it makes me feel alive
It makes me feel alive
Ain't got a f--kin' thing left
And that makes me dangerous
Got no regrets
And that makes me dangerous
All out of cocaine
And that makes me dangerous
You will remember my name
And that makes me dangerous
I'm a grenade without reason
Ready to explode
I'm like a freight locomotive
Steamin' out of control
I'll make you a martyr
Boy, step in line
I'm a glutton for punishment
Yeah, it makes me feel alive
It makes me feel alive
It makes me feel alive
It's all inside of me
This deadly sickness
I've got nothing left
And that makes me dangerous
You keep on pushing me
Like I've got a weakness
I've got nothing left
And that makes me dangerous
I'm a grenade without reason
Ready to explode
I'm like a freight locomotive
Steamin' out of control
I'll make you a martyr
Boy, step in line
I'm a glutton for punishment
Yeah, it makes me feel alive
It makes me feel alive
It makes me feel alive
It makes me feel alive
Oh Yeah

Roberto Coda Zabetta :: Verdade

more Roberto Coda Zabetta HERE

sabato 27 dicembre 2014


A dark thriller. Directed by Ty Higgins
A daughter returns home to teach her family a lesson, but she ends up learning a brutal lesson of her own.

Zelko Nedic :: Golden Scars

The series ''Golden Scars" came as inspiration from Kintsukuroi, Japanese art of repairing pottery with gold or silver lacquer and understanding that the piece is more beautiful for having been broken. The author wants to stimulate viewers to think, to make their own interpretations and associations. About who and what we are and why we act the way we do. Zelko Nedic has been working on this series using an aluminium plates from the skip and photographing his subjects by 80 years old Eastman Kodak large format camera, wet plate collodion Tintype process.