domenica 30 giugno 2013

Tom Odell ♫ Heal

Take my mind
and take my pain
like an empty bottle takes the rain
and heal, heal, heal, heal

and take my past
and take my sense
like an empty sail takes the wind
and heal, heal, heal, heal

and tell me somethings last,
and tell me somethings last

take a heart
and take a hand
like an ocean takes the dirty sand
and heal, heal, hell, heal

take my mind
and take my pain
like an empty bottle takes the rain
and heal, heal, hell, heal

and tell me somethings last,
and tell me somethings last,
and tell me somethings last,
and tell me somethings last

Eric Bouvet :: Burning Man + Bonus

Every year in late summer, 60,000 free spirits gather in the middle of the desert, in Nevada, for the Burning Man festival. An ephemeral city appears, where art, solidarity and independence reign. A week later, this euphoria disappears into ashes.  

A Miniature Journey to the Black Rock Desert, Home to Burning Man. A whimsical time-lapse film about the Art, People, Mutant Vehicles and Playa that makes Burning Man such a unique place on this tiny planet in our tiny solar system in our tiny galaxy in our tiny universe.
Audio Playlist:
1. Passion Pit "Swimming in the flood"
2. Clams Casino "I'm God"
3. Tipper "Puzzle Dust"

Shot on a Canon 60d, 5d Mark 2, Canon 90mm Tilt shift lens, Canon 24mm tilt shift lens, Canon 17-35mm 2.8L, Mumford Microsystems Rotary Table, with help from GBTimelapse by Dr. Timelapse.

sabato 29 giugno 2013

OpenEndedGroup :: Ghostcatching

Upon its premiere in 1999, Ghostcatching was described as having made complementary what had before been diametric: the combination of technology and humanity. The 7-minute work was created using pioneering motion-capture techniques, and Mr. Jones was filmed in a seamless succession of roughly forty different choreographic sequences. In their final rendered form, the bodies for Ghostcatching fall between a scribble and an x-ray, with line and density providing a visual suggestion of rhythm and character, while the numerous facets of Mr. Jones’s distinct artistic personality shine through.

SHORT FILM :: Out on the Tiles

A comical observational stop motion animation following a drunken woman in her endeavour to sneak a drag from her precious last cigarette.  

Joakim Eskildsen :: Cuban Evolution

via Lightbox

more Joakim Eskildsen HERE

if you love Cuba, please take a look HERE

Dirty Beaches ♫ I Dream in Neon

Written by Michael Lawrence & Alex Zhang Hungtai
Directed by Michael Lawrence
Starring Alex Zhang Hungtai & Kira Pohl
Shot on Location in Berlin & Hamburg, Germany

venerdì 28 giugno 2013

Diario Notturno 213

Penso a tutti quelli che per uno sdoppiamento della personalità sono gentilissimi in pubblico mentre si comportano da tiranni nel privato. In loro, la bontà ufficiale non interferisce con la cattiveria domestica, anzi la compensa, tanto da sembrare una l'inconscio dell'altra. E' come se la condizione personale e quella collettiva si scindessero e l'individuo possa ricongiungersi a se stesso solo procedendo da direzioni opposte. 
Per aiutare queste persone ci vorrebbe allora un farmaco sbagliato, un rimedio che si prendesse il rischio di renderle pubblicamente perfide così da sperare che diventino col tempo privatamente migliori. 

Anja Niemi, her website HERE

SHORT FILM :: Picnic

Yuri Kozyrev :: Yamal Peninsula

Yuri Kozyrev (among the photographers of NOOR photo agency) photographed the Yamal Peninsula, one of the world's largest wildernesses where the indigenous Nenets people have migrated across for the past 1000 years. It is here that traditional large-scale nomadic reindeer husbandry is preserved. The Yamal Peninsula also holds Russia's biggest natural gas reserves. The Nenets have a shamanistic and animistic belief system which foments respect for the land and its resources.