venerdì 23 giugno 2023

SHORT FILM 🎬 Hear me


Kennedy Blythe wants to talk, but can't. Ever since her mother disappeared, Kennedy has struggled with selective mutism, and being passed through the foster system like hand-me-down clothes hasn't helped. When Kennedy comes across an opportunity for a college scholarship, however, she can't help but dream at moving on and starting over. There's just one catch: Kennedy has to deliver an oral interview to be awarded the scholarship. Not wanting to pass up the opportunity, Kennedy decides to enlist the help of a local theater teacher named Megan who specializes in these kinds of cases. Kennedy wants Megan to help prepare her for the interview. But Megan knows the only real way to help Kennedy is to guide her through her trauma. Now Kennedy must decide whether interviewing is worth facing and reliving her past.

Written and directed by Kevin M Turner

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