sabato 31 gennaio 2015

Kieslowski ♫ Doteky

Official music video by Kieslowski || track Doteky || album Mezi Lopatky (2014, Indies Scope)

Directed by David Mencl

Darren Harvey-Regan


A film about the invisible life-force.
Made by The Mercadantes | Directed by Daniel Mercadante 

Anson Liaw

venerdì 30 gennaio 2015

Diario Notturno 284

Al centro della piazza, sotto un vero diluvio, un ragazzo implora una ragazza nel tentativo di trattenerla; lei si svincola e s'allontana a passi svelti scomparendo sotto i portici. Riflettendoci bene, non è stato il rumore della pioggia a farmi ricordare quella scena, né un'immagine della città in cui ci trovavamo tutti e tre quel giorno. Non sono i suoni o i luoghi a stimolare la mia memoria, ma la metafora linguistica che attribuisco ad ogni cosa. La scintilla che mi ha fatto tornare in mente quei due giovani è stata infatti la parola "Metereologia" letta casualmente su un giornale: un gran bel titolo, ho cominciato a pensare, per una raccolta di riflessioni sull'amore...

‘Rain Room’ art installation by ‘Random International’; more HERE

Lim Cheol Hee 임철희

Pixel - extraits

Pixel is a dance show for 11 dancers in a virtual and living visual environement. A work on illusion combining energy and poetry, fiction and technical achievement, hip hop and circus. A show at the crossroads of arts and at the crossroads of Adrien M / Claire B’s and Mourad Merzouki’s universes.
Artistic Direction and Choreography: Mourad Merzouki
Composed by Mourad Merzouki & Adrien M / Claire B

11 danseurs évoluant dans un environnement visuel à la frontière du virtuel et du vivant. Un travail sur l'illusion conjuguant énergie et poésie, fiction et prouesse technique, hip-hop et cirque pour créer un spectacle à la croisée des arts, et des univers de Adrien M / Claire B et Mourad Merzouki.

Iyad Sabbah

Palestinian artist iyad sabbah has set a family of clay figures wandering away from the war as a symbol of the suffering of citizens in the shuja’iyya neighboorhood of gaza, where inhabitants have had to flee their homes from destruction.

giovedì 29 gennaio 2015

SHORT FILM :: This Is Normal

A young woman named Gwen who takes what is essentially the medical version of a "magic pill" to go from totally deaf to completely hearing.

Written/Directed By: Justin Giddings & Ryan Welsh

Mirjam Appelhof

The Waterboys ♫ November Tale

Davide Quayola :: Captives

Captives is an ongoing series of digital and physical sculptures by Quayola and a contemporary homage to Michelangelo’s unfinished series "Prigioni" (1513-1534) and his technique of “non-finito”. The project explores tensions and equilibrium between form and matter, man-made objects of perfection and complex, chaotic forms of nature. In this series mathematical functions and processes describe computer-generated geological formations, endlessly evolving and morphing into classical figures resulting into life-size ‘unfinished’ sculptures.