martedì 31 ottobre 2023

Brea Souders


lunedì 30 ottobre 2023

Tria Giovan



Directed by Ted Chung


domenica 29 ottobre 2023

sabato 28 ottobre 2023

Ravshaniya :: Equilibrium


Black Pumas ♫ Tomorrow

Out October 27, 2023


venerdì 27 ottobre 2023

Chloé Azzopardi


giovedì 26 ottobre 2023

SHORT FILM 🎬 A Thousand Words


A young man riding the Metro in Los Angeles notices a young woman looking through her digital camera. They exchange glances, then she gets off the train, carrying a box of plants. As the train pulls away, he notices she has left the camera. Later that day, he looks through the photographs and can see that she's left her job and is moving to Boston. He also sees that she's taken five or six photographs of him seated on the train. Her going away cake has her first name on it, and in one of the photos, she's leaning out an apartment building. Can he figure out where she lived and find her?                                                        
Directed by Ted Chung


mercoledì 25 ottobre 2023

Ivana Dostalova


martedì 24 ottobre 2023

The Rolling Stones ♫ Bite My Head Off Feat. Paul McCartney

Out 3 days ago


Francesca Meloni